Author: ahmed tatieta

Water is one of the vital resource that keep humanity alive. Without water, we would surely all die of thirst. In addition to the regular and basic drinking of water when thirsty, water can be used to cure so many diseases. Expert underline now that...

“FOR WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT MAN, IF HE GAINS THE WHOLE WORLD, AND SUFFER THE LOSS OF HIS SOUL”? CHRIST JESUS      Soul Loss is a sort of a fragmentation of the inner-body that caused a person suffering from soul loss to remain disconnected from his/her physical,...

The definitions of soul loss and spirit attachment above were given to assist the reader through the spiritual nature of the next chapters. The intent of this writing is to shed light on the role of the soul, which is hugely underestimated in our wellbeing. The soul...

Spirit attachment occurs when a spirit attaches itself to a living human being much like a parasite, and possesses it. Symptoms of spirit attachment include depression, mood swings, multiple personality disorders and sudden changes of behavior, sometimes radical. The spirit mostly attaches itself to the...

The soul may detach from the body and wander while we are dreaming or sleeping and even if awake. This phenomenon is known in the spiritual world as an “out of body experience” and is considered normal when the soul returns to the physical body....