Ahmed Y. Tatieta is a Lawyer by formation with a Master of Laws in American Laws and International Legal Practice from Loyola Law School, butself-taught as a holistic healer, a wellness coach, a medicine man and lecturer. Author of two Worldwide Best-selling Books in health and wellness; “Soul Pathway to Total Health and The Path to a Long and Healthy Life”. As a community leader, he is a board member of a non-profit organization called “Historical Africa Cultural Center” in Los Angeles with a mission to unite and connect Africans and Its Diaspora.
He is the managing director and founder of TATIETA & ASSOCIATES. A firm that is specialized in taxes and legal services. He is also the CEO and founder of a publishing company TATIETA BOOKS PUBLISHING, LLC, registered in California, where the primary goal is the marketing and publishing of various books centered in health and wellness in order to promote a healthier world.