What you didn’t know about Health

Health and its idea of being healthy has changed over time. The old concept was that if you are not sick, then you are healthy. But at the end, sooner or later we all get sick anyway; and surprisingly with a disease that might have been cooking inside of our body long ago, just taking its time and taking over slowly the body’s organs and cells before striking. For you not to be surprised, you must understand that health is supposed to be something that you work towards a daily basis. You must work in preventing diseases from creeping on you as long as you live.

Over the years, we have had tremendous progress in medicine; and in development of new drugs and new diagnostic, followed by those remarkable surgical techniques. Shall we say that there is still not a downside about all these progresses even though we cannot deny that those medical breakthroughs continue to save lives today? According to the Editors of the University of California, Berkeley, wellness letter, drugs nowadays are prescribed readily at first diagnosed; An excessive number of X-rays and other diagnostic tests are always ordered making the hospitals to always be over crowded; and of course that also causes the cost of health care to soar greatly. It continued by adding that having all these tools at our disposal, the medical approach to sustaining life remains incomplete when the objective is the sustaining of life.

The take out from this above writing is that we are not necessarily dependent on medical breakthroughs in order for us to improve in our health. You must know by now that good health depends on your life style choices. Your health depends on how you eat, on how you digest, on how to think, on how you deal with trauma, on how you deal with a loss of a love-one, on how active you are during your life span, the precautions you take to avoid injuries and accidents, on how you deal with tension (the pressure of life, stress), your emotions and anxieties etc. Your health depends also whether you are a smoker or not, do illegal drugs or not, drinks alcohol or not, without forgetting on how you manage the environments where you live, breathe, work, party, and rest.

In fact, a large-scale study at the Carter Center at Emory University in the 20th century has showed that there were fourteen primary causes of illness and premature death during the time of the study; and six out of the fourteen cited are preventable factors such as tobacco, alcohol, injuries, unintended pregnancy, lack of preventive services, and improper nutrition.

Now, based on a holistic health approach, since we are not just made of physical body, certain knowledge about how to take care of your mind and soul is also required to live a long and healthier life without being sick. You have what we call an electro-magnetic field that envelops and surrounds the ins and outs of your body. You have an aura which is your spiritual shield against any negative energies from the universe itself and from people and other species that you are in contact daily. Understand here that your aura needs regular cleansing to continue distributing positive energy through your energetic field and keeping a continuous strong shield. In that, you also have your chakras that are each connected individually and respectively to your organs and your endocrine glands promoting and insuring a good balance and distribution of your hormones and other fluids towards the rest of your body. Again, the chakras also need to be balanced once in a while to guarantee a hormonal balance and emotional balance as well.

In addition to your chakras, you have what is called your meridian that is your energetic highway inside your body spread out throughout your body as a roadmap, allowing the flow of your body’s energy to smoothly circulate to all different parts of your body. And within the path of the meridians, there are multiple acupunctural points as pressure point that works just like traffic light or temporary stops of the energy before continuing to the next stops during the distribution of the said energy; when the flow of the energy is not blocked at those pressure points. In a situation where there is a blockage of flow of energy, because it happens at some point in our lives; the energy flow must be restored by unblocking the energy highway and pressure points. And there are available technics to unblock the passage way of the energy to flow within, without interruption as well.

The truth is, that the concept of health in its whole, takes in consideration a lot of components, aspects and factors that must not be neglected. Once understood that we are not just made of an organic body, but also of a mental body, a spiritual body and a sparkle of the parcel of the universe itself (God), health must take a global approach. Health can even become more complex when we add the modification of gene expression that can pass down from one person to the next generation’s years down the road. Which means that trauma can also be transferred from father to son and from mother to daughter or vice-versa known as Intergenerational trauma. We also have hereditary illnesses such as diabetes, Alzheimer just to name a few that can be inherited from parents to their offspring if preventive care is not taken. The list is not exhaustive to say the least without tackling the health impact of soul loss in our body, mind and soul.

In conclusion, the geometric equanimity of your health has to be fully smooth to avoid frictions within all those different aspects surrounding the different factors contributing to your overall health. This way, we can better tackle the causes of illness and premature death by healing and taking preventive measures in order to prolong our lives.

This is why I love my job as a writer and researcher, as I always learn new things every day. And I was able to bring to you the alternative addition of how you can implement wellness into your life, the life of your family, and member of your community in order for you to solve health related problems. As it will improve your health, wellness also improves the quality of your life. Remember when Plato said that: “the cure of the body will not happen until the mind and the soul are cured first.” That means, in order for your body to be healed, you must heal your mind and your soul first.

You can find my books and articles at www.ahmedtatieta.com , books at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and at a bookstore near you.

Article written by:

Ahmed Tatieta, LLM, Author

*Soul Pathway to Total Health (also available in French and in Spanish)

*The Path to a Long and Healthy Life

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