The misuse of time will deplete your body of energy and make you unhappy. It consist on focusing or putting your attention at everything else except being present. You misuse your time when you are anxious about the future. You misuse your time when you are constantly or reliving the past. You are also misusing your time when you caught yourself regretting old mistakes, just like trying to relive or reliving the yesterday’s life.
Misusing the time is something common to all of us, or has been everyone’s path before awareness. It is just like a rite a passage where the only way is to become aware and alert when there is an act of misuse of time. It is hard to find someone that has not been on that road before. A lot of us even know what being present consist of, but still find it hard to just not worry about or anticipate tomorrow. Do not resist change. It is even harder when we have to race against the clock with so many deadlines to meet at work, or a project that must be done within a certain time; or try not to agonize or languish over our life’s circumstances and situations when facing difficulties( financial, sickness, loss of self-esteem). What to remember and retain here is that all these misuse of time, whatsoever one, depletes the energy of the person and would cause sickness and depression. These are in sum what consist of misuse of time:
-Being anxious about the future and pulling it close. Mostly, the result of pulling the future closer would undermine our present focus and would require some energy that is needed for our present situation.
-Reliving the past by holding on to it dearly. By dragging the past heavy luggage on our back every day with its weight and pain.
-Regretting old mistakes and not forgiving yourself. Letting past decisions and actions regain power to disturb our feelings and emotions.
-Anticipating tomorrow while not living in the present; such as rendering a final decision on events that have not taken place nor been decided or situated. With questions like; what if?
-Racing against the clock; burning and dispensing excessive energy to complete a project or work.
-Reliving yesterday; when your mind is replaying constantly unfinished or unresolved issues of the past or yesterday for you to act on them now and you bought into it like you could go back on time and changes. Instead you let it upset you again and set a chain of emotional reaction taking your focus away from the present.
-Resisting change by complaining; knowing what is best but not following instructions. Staying closed-minded with no attempt to become open-minded. In some cases, just happy and satisfy being and remaining ignorant.
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