06 May The Benefits of Drinking Water
Water is one of the vital resource that keep humanity alive. Without water, we would surely all die of thirst. In addition to the regular and basic drinking of water when thirsty, water can be used to cure so many diseases. Expert underline now that water is indeed an effective way to prevent and treat diseases. It is preferable to drink eight (8) to twelve (12) glasses of water daily. A glass would be about an eight ounces holder at least. Drinking water prevents kidney stones, and drinking 12 glasses of water a day helps treat kidney stones for your information. Water treats urinary tract infection by flushing harmful bacteria from the bladder through urination. It reduces fever, treats cough, colds, sore throat and respiratory infections. Good for diarrhea by slowing down and preventing dehydration and reduces heartburn. So far, water is life and health that cannot be replaced or skipped.
In addition, water keeps you alert and energetic, thereby reduces stress, anxiety, fatigue and confusion. Make water your best friend daily and you will be full of life and health. It prevents constipation and alleviates any constipation complications. The drinking of water in a regular basis and in enough quantity can even help reduce weight by drinking a glass or two before you eat. Meaning that in that process, you will be filling up the spaces of your empty stomach first with water before eating causing you to eat less consequently. Drinking water produces miracle wonder. Among the wonder of drinking water regularly are: migraine, headache, skin conditions might easily get treated simply by drinking water. It is recommended to drink a glass of water before going to bed because while you are sleep, your body is still working and it is good for the heart too, as it prevents the individual from having a heart attack. Therefore, you would have to make it a nightly routine to drink water every night before going to bed. It is a must also to drink water when you wake up in the morning to flush the toxins that have built up during the night and refresh the organs. During the day you should keep drinking water before you actually feel thirsty. At the end, drink even more water when you are sick or pregnant even though you might not feel like. Do not wait to be thirsty, first, before drinking water. Water is life and by drinking more and more water, we would keep our life as well.
On this note, I have to inform you that water should be treated with care and love. Water is alive and has a memory that registers and adapts with any condition that you put it through. Water senses our vibes and automatically conforms to them. Happy thought and positive vibes will be registered on the water memory as well as unhappy emotions and negative vibes. Water changes its molecular structures when exposed to our emotions, feelings, and intentions. Therefore the water in your cup might conform itself to your moods and state of mind already before you even drink it.
In sum, the very water you are drinking may behave differently and present different molecular structures in someone else’s hands and therefore present different health benefits. That’s why it becomes necessary to make water your best friend to reap all of its health and medicinal benefit and properties.
Ahmed Tatieta
From The Book “The Path to a Long and Healthy Life” @ www.ahmedtatieta.com
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